Why Your Donation Matters!

In keeping with our 501(c)(3) federal non-profit status and government regulation, for every $1 in public donations permits the Maternal Health Fund to receive $2 from private foundations. Our access to private foundation support has been determined by the generosity and love of our public donor support. Together, we all make the magic happen.

Your donation enables us to treat and prevent birth-related injuries like obstetric fistula in Sub Saharan Africa. With your donation treatment for fistula and other childbirth injuries through increased capacity for care and research, hospitals, research, education and prevention is possible.

Amplified Support:

Your generosity doesn’t just count, it multiplies. For every $1 you give, we secure $2 more from partners, tripling the impact of your contribution.

Direct Impact:

Over 90% of your donation directly funds critical maternal healthcare projects. Your support translates into tangible help where it's needed most.

Comprehensive Care:

Our approach goes beyond emergency care. We're committed to holistic solutions—preventing, treating, and educating to ensure sustainable health outcomes.

Transformative Solutions:

Birth-related injuries ostracize women from their communities. Just one gift of $250 can help provide surgeries needed to heal and fund programs preventing.

By choosing to donate, you’re not just giving money—you’re restoring hope, dignity, and life to countless women.

Click to GIVE NOW and be the change for global maternal health. Together, we can make a profound difference in the lives of mothers and their families across Sub-Saharan Africa.

See the Difference: Your Support in Action. Witness firsthand the joy and hope your donations bring to mothers and families across Sub-Saharan Africa.

Our donors and supporting foundations fuel our sustainable success.

In Ethiopia, our focus is on prevention.

In Uganda, our focus is on fistula repair and prevention.

Learn More